P.X. Miranda

  • Born in Chile, Paulina X Miranda (P.X.Miranda) has lived and worked in Italy since 1999. She was awarded a scholarship to Davidson College N.C, USA and graduated from the University Catolica de Chile, where she won several prizes for her contemporary oil paintings.

    Paulina is fascinated by history and historical figures. She uses literature, poetry and music as inspiration and starting points for her paintings. Medieval tapestry, the Arts and Crafts Movement, Renaissance portraiture and William Morris also underpins her works. She combines these elements to create works that are thoughtfully composed, giving them a timeless and narrative quality.

    To aspire to harmony and beauty in ones work is a powerful message, which is clearly seen and celebrated in the works she creates.

  • P.X.Miranda’s oil paintings unapologetically embrace nature and beauty. As Paulina’s artistic skill, vision and style continues to evolve, her work is formulated into specific series that aspire to seek harmony between certain cultural and natural elements.

    Her earliest collection, entitled Los Despiertos (The Awakened) began with an assemblage of notable historical portraiture (mostly, but not exclusively, from the Renaissance and Mannerism periods). With a deep interest in the idea of consciousness, Paulina sought to revive these figures through her process, providing them with fresh narrative.

    Building on this idea, the Los que Saben (Those Who Know) series then introduced a symbolic emblem on the chest of her portraits. Placed above the heart, these symbols offer subtext; further unfolding her subjects’ story.



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