Adela Powell
Adela Powell is inspired by nature, landscapes and the sea, which is naturally conveyed through her clay. Even her figurative pieces examine layered and eroded rocky surfaces, embracing the fragility and unpredictability of her subject.
Alison Coaten
Alison Coaten is fascinated by the human desire to make sense of existence through religion, myth and folklore, and the use of art to create concrete images of worship in the form of icons and idols.
Annabel Munn
Annabel Munn creates ceramics from thin earthenware slabs, torn into sections, and constructed into new forms. These evoke memories of place and time, and highlight a lifelong fascination with fossils, ancient landscape, architecture, and found objects.
Barry Stedman
Barry Stedman takes a relaxed and direct approach to make vessels. He aims to create a sense of drama that is fresh and exciting, exploring vibrant colour compositions and exploiting the gestural qualities of fluid brush marks and soft clay.
Branka Vrhovski-Stanton
Branka Vrhovski-Stanton’s ceramic vessels are an exciting fusion of sculptural form and spontaneity in porcelain, stoneware and earthenware. Bold painterly lines and statement pieces dominate her work.
Craig Underhill
Craig Underhill’s intimate, slab built vessels, act as 3D canvasses; evoking a feeling of landscape and place that are affected by time.
Elizabeth Price
Elizabeth Price’s sculptures are as emotive as they are highly collectible. Sculpting details and subtle gestures, she manages to capture the most intimate moments of joy, sadness and contemplation.
Isabel Merrick
Working in a painterly way with coloured slips and the inclusion of mark making elements, such as sgraffito, Isabel Merrick finds new narrative for the environment she lives in through her ceramic forms.
Jackie Summerfield
Sculptor Jackie Summerfield captures the charm and character of familiar animals and birds with her contemporary ceramic pieces.
Jon Barrett-Danes
Jon Barrett-Danes animals are hand built and enigmatic indoor and outdoor sculptures; endowed with the strength and humour it took to physically create them.
Lesley McInally
An exploration of changing landscapes and historical narratives, Lesley McInally’s ceramic vessels are vibrant, multilayered and biographical.
Maria ten Kortenaar
Finding harmony in rhythm, Maria ten Kortenaar creates delicate, beautiful vessels by building them piece by piece, mixing colours through the porcelain to form patterns inside and out.
Mary Jones (The Brick Thief)
Mary Jones’ vibrant, painterly and playful ceramic heads are a discussion of human emotions and how they are translated in our faces.
Mélanie Bourget
Mélanie Bourget’s bold, figurative raku sculptures offer a contemporary, yet offbeat, style; oscillating between realism and fantasy.
Patricia Shone
The product of wood, saggar and raku firing, Patricia Shone’s tactile ceramic forms are inspired by the surfaces of the land that have been eroded by the forces of climate and human intervention.
Paul Wearing
With vessels that are inspired by the changes in our environment, Paul Wearing embraces the textures that manifest naturally on surfaces within diverse urban and rural landscapes.
Phil Jolley
Detailed with sprigs and stamps of found artefacts, Phil Jolley’s multi-faceted vessels harness the beauty of past architectural designs, further enriched with layered glazes and lustres.
Remon Jephcott
With delicate ceramic sculptures that celebrate the beauty of life cycles, Remon Jephcott explores the notion of decaying fruit as a metaphor for the female experience.
Stephen Murfitt
Stephen Murfitt has been exploring the infinite possibilities of Raku for over forty years. Raku demands a deep engagement with each stage of the process, and Stephen enjoys the way that the pieces absorb and reflect the intense drama of the firing.
Su Jameson
Su Jameson’s hand-built ceramic sculptures and figures strive to create exchanges and speak of personal narrative. With forms that are drawn into, punctured and cut away with scratches, finger and tool-marks left like battle scars.